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Biodox is an organic compliant liquid sterilizer that kills all pathogens in every step of your operation. It’s a one-fits-all solution for your sterilization and disinfection needs. The presence of certain pathogens may be the symptom of a deeper problem: biofilm. BioDox destroys biofilm, leaves no residue, and creates no resistance, making it the ultimate disinfectant with the power to kill most germs within 60 seconds of application. All without putting you, or the environment, in harm's way.
Kills all pathogens. Leaves no trace.
Solving problems, not just symptoms. Without harming people or the planet.
We serve big customers with serious problems to solve. We have a dedicated team of industry professionals with decades of experience to help you make the best decisions for your operation. Please give us a call or send an email inquiry to have a specialist help you make the best choices for your company, people, and the planet.
Limited time offer.
Shop Products
WATERTanks Reservoirs Lines Emitters Bladders Filters
INFRASTRUCTUREBuildings and Rooms Shelves Lighting Buckets, Tools, and Scissors Pots, Trays, and Totes Vehicles
SOILSoil Pest Control Sterilize soil Organochlorines Breakdown Prep for Soil Recovery
PLANTVegetation and Flowers Mothers Drying and Storage Harvest Seedlings and Cuttings
PEOPLEClothes Boots and Shoes Hands
Use BioDox™ anywhere and on anything to promote sterile surfaces and environments.
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